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صورة إلتقطها أحد المتطوعين المعتقلين للمنطقة picture taken by on of the volunteers in the same area |
تعود تفاصيل الحادثة ان مجموعة من الناشطين من مجموعة متطوعة وهم عائلة واحدة واقارب من منطقة شمبات بالخرطوم بحري خرجوا في يوم الثلاثاء الموافق 13 اغسطس 2013 في تمام الساعة الرابعة عصرا لتوزيع المواد الغذائية والمياه علي المتضررين في منطقة مرابيع الشريف بمحلية شرق النيل واثناء قيام البعض منهم بتصوير وتوثيق جانب من الاضرار التي لحقت باهالي المنطقة , قامت قوة من جهاز الامن والمخابرات الوطني ترتدي الزي المدني باعترضتهم و اعتقال كل من [أ.ع.ح (57عام ) و إبنيه م(14 عام) - ط (15 عام ) بالإضافة إلى ع. س (14 عام ) - ا.م ا. ا (40) عام ] ونقلهم بعربة ماركة (لاند كروز ) مطلي باللون الابيض ومن غير لوحات الي مكاتب جهاز الامن والمخابرات الوطني بمنطقة العيلفون حيث تعرضوا للضرب و التحقيق , وقد قام بعض الشباب من العائلة الذين كانوا ضمن المجموعة المتطوعة متابعة عربة جهاز الامن والمخابرات التي نقلت المعتقلين الي مكاتب جهاز الامن والمخابرات الوطني بمنطقة (العيلفون ) ومحاولة الاستفسار عن اهليهم المعتقلين فرد عليهم فرد من جهاز الأمن على البوابة "نحن من نسأل الأسألة" ثم قاموا باعتقالهم ايضا و هم (م.ح--- ص.ح --- ح .خ .ح --- ه. خ. ح --- ن .ع ) والتحقيق معهم.
وقامت الاجهزة الامنية باطلاق سراحهم في منتصف ليل الثلاثاء13 اغسطس 2013 دون ان توجه لهم اي تهم دون يتم عرضهم علي جهة قضائية او عدلية.
13 August 2013 NISS in the state of Khartoum arrested a group of volunteers among them some kids under the age of 15, the group was in their tour in Maraba Al Sharif area in East Nile locality, distributing food and clean water to the effected people from rains and floods, and also taking pictures for the damage and destruction.
Most of the detainees knew each other as they were family and friends, while they were handing the needed people the food and water and some of them documenting the destruction in that area, a group of NISS officers in a civilian clothes and without showing any identifications stopped and arrested A.A.H 57 year old male with his two sons M 14 year old and T 15 year old, along with A.S 14 year old male, A.M.A 40 year old male, NISS officers took them by a white land cruiser pickup without car plates.
The NISS pickup was followed by the rest of the volunteers how were not arrested at the time, till they reached NISS offices in Ailafoon area in Khartoum State, and then they have been forced to enter and they were beaten.
The rest of the group went to the gate and asked for the reason behind detaining their friends and relatives, the NISS officers immediately detained them and told them "you cant question us!", their names was M.A , S.H , A.K.H , H.K.H and N.A and they have been questioned inside with the rest of the group.
They were released around mid night on the same day without being charged.
Most of the detainees knew each other as they were family and friends, while they were handing the needed people the food and water and some of them documenting the destruction in that area, a group of NISS officers in a civilian clothes and without showing any identifications stopped and arrested A.A.H 57 year old male with his two sons M 14 year old and T 15 year old, along with A.S 14 year old male, A.M.A 40 year old male, NISS officers took them by a white land cruiser pickup without car plates.
The NISS pickup was followed by the rest of the volunteers how were not arrested at the time, till they reached NISS offices in Ailafoon area in Khartoum State, and then they have been forced to enter and they were beaten.
The rest of the group went to the gate and asked for the reason behind detaining their friends and relatives, the NISS officers immediately detained them and told them "you cant question us!", their names was M.A , S.H , A.K.H , H.K.H and N.A and they have been questioned inside with the rest of the group.
They were released around mid night on the same day without being charged.
لمزيد من المعلومات عن أي من القضايا أعلاه الرجاء التواصل معنا
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